luni, 2 aprilie 2012

Conferinta IFS - Stockholm, Suedia.

 The International Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers (IFS) is an association of national, regional and local organizations working to strengthen communities around the world. Its mission is to build an inclusive global community by empowering, inspiring and connecting people who are working locally for social justice.  IFS members include multi-purpose, community-based organizations all over the globe, from North America and Europe to South America and Asia. The organization has a long and active history as a network and as a promoter of the Settlement House Movement since it was founded in Europe.

Uniunea Femeilor Bihor este partenera a a cestei organizatii internationale din 1990  si a fost gazda a proiectului   Youth online  .

 Conferinta asociatiei are loc in perioada     22 - 26 mai , 2012 in Stockholm, Suedia.
Tema este Democratie , incluziune , tinerete.
Din Bihor va pleca o delegatie de tineri insotiti de doamna Miorita Sateanu,  presedinta Uniunii Femeilor Bihor, care va participa cu lucrari la doua workshopuri.

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