1. What do we understand through
attitude and mentality
As part of their development into
young adults, humans must develop an identity independent from their parents or
family and a capacity for independent decision-making. They may experiment with
different roles, behaviours, and ideologies as part of their process of
developing an identity. Teenage rebellion has been recognized within psychology
as a set of behavioural traits that supersede class, culture, or race. Some
posit that an adolescent's failure to achieve a sense of identity can result in
role confusion and an inability to choose a vocation, and these pressures may
cause viewed as adults. Indeed, in the Western world the age at which one is
considered an adult (in both the cultural and legal sense) has advanced from
the early teens in earlier centuries to the late teens and even early twenties
in today's society.
An attitude is an expression of favor or
disfavor toward a person, place, thing, or event (the attitude object). In lay
language, attitude may refer to the distinct concept of mood, or be especially
synonymous with teenage rebellion. An attitude can be defined as a positive or
negative evaluation of people, objects, event, activities, ideas, or just about
anything in your environment. Jung's definition of attitude is a
"readiness of the psyche to act or react in a certain way". Attitudes
very often come in pairs, one conscious and the other unconscious. Within this
broad definition Jung defines several attitudes: Extraversion and introversion,
rational and irrational attitudes, individual and social attitudes.
Instrumental conditioning and social
learning are mainly responsible for formation of attitude. Unlike personality,
attitudes are expected to change as a function of experience.
2. How do young people from
Romania think today since the last decades
Compared to the last decade, the majority of young people from Romania have changed their
thinking, attitude and mentality, the reason was the transition from communism to democracy wich had an
important role and impact on them. During the communism period certain measures
were imposed, such as: censorship, banning strikes as form of manifestation of
complaints, limiting personal freedom and way of thinking, disallowing to express themselves
freely. Once with the trasition to democracy people were granted with rights,
that couldn’t enjoy before, such as: the right of thinking, the free expression
of ideas and views etc. This led to free expression of young people without
barriers, but today we talk to easily, about things that wouldn’t be known by
all the young ones, mass-media being an
important factor in changing the mentality of children since their early age.
Because of this freedom we have, the
media contributes greatly to control social life, seeking to promote mediocrity
and burying the true values. Western habits are taken by young people from
Romania, that we are witnessing a continuous change and evolution leads to
change our mentality and freedom is seen beyond the limits. Young people in Romania do not have
obstacles, they believe that anything is possible. The
purpose of freedom of thought isn’t that individuals do illegal things, the
thing that we meet more often, the goal is to know their rights and freedoms,
taken as an advantage of this can get things wrong.
3. Factors that influence
attitude and mentality
Factors that can influence our
attitudes are primarily our own belief about our-self and others, family,
environment in which we operate, work, school, friends and not at last what we
read and hear.
Group of friends has significant
influence on youth because they spend most of their time together, also, family
and school are equally important because it takes over the behavior of both the
family and the school staff we belong. All
this society formed by a group of friends, family, school, influences our
attitude in life wich can be changed, but depends a lot on how easily we let us influenced from
the others.
Youth attitude toward school and family
is quite disappointing. School doesn’t represent a priority and interest in the
view of romanian young people anymore, they have other concerns, such as:
staying in front the computer for hours, whatching T.V etc. The number of young
people who read books is very small and
deacreased a lot, most of them are focused on a different life, a life
that is not based on more extensive learning and knowledge in various fields. Technology has led to a casual attitude
on youth, social life is increasingly present in the virtual environment. Young
people spend less time with their family and school.
4. Statistics of young people
from Romania regarding to: Life-style, Social Life, etc.
A gender balanced segment
mostly from Transylvania wich is a region from Romania that we belong has some
statistics of small urban students:
Confident personalities, trusting both their peers and institutions. They
place great emphasize on school, they don’t go to clubs or discos. They like
R&B or reggae, and less disco, house or hip-hop.
They hunt discounts when shopping. They are analytical shoppers, paying
attention to the product specifications and tending to get informed in advance.
Purchases of clothes or footwear are mostly done in specialized or brand
They are fans of technology and are ‘’early adopters’’ of tablets,
smartphones and digital cameras. This segment uses the internet in particular
for functional and informational purposes being the most interested ones to
access recruitment sites, read blogs or forums, look for and post informations.
They tend to use social networks less, considering them childish.
In general they see a connection between school and success.
They like to give, trust people and share.
They feel optimistic and have trust in future, although they don’t see
very clearly what is going to happen to them personally.
Another statistic of young people mostly male from
Bucharest (18-21 years old):
Keen on fun, socializing. They are people of the present living an active
life style, focused on going out, hanging out with friends and acquaintances,
pubs and coffee houses.
Most of them have a sport as hobby - mainly football but also biking,
swimming and roller-skating, and in terms of music, they like house and
They rarely get involved in food buying. They buy clothes and footwear
more rarely, but when they do they prefer specialized stores, of their favorite
They learn about fashion trends virally, in particular from colleagues
and friends but prefer to shop alone.
They represent the segment with the highest ownership of electronics such
as notebooks, smartphones, video cameras or tablets. They use their phone
mainly to listen to music and access social networks and are the most frequent
users of Internet, in particular for social networks and instant messaging, as
well as to download movies or play online games.
Family plays a smaller part in their everyday life.
They place great value, on money, gain elements which they place in the
center of their personal success.
They generally don’t trust people and have a limited circle of true
friends, despite the large number of acquaintances.
They see themselves as persons with good humor living at max the very
‘’technologized’’ present.
An almost balanced segment (a slight dominance of women) balanced
distribution, large urban (18-21 years old):
This segment focuses on school, which represents the center of their
attention. They like to read and less to go out. They haven’t been involved in
any volunteering or social responsibility, actions, although, overall, they
have favorable opinions towards such initiatives.
They buy clothes and footwear mainly from shopping centers, such as
malls, frequently accompanied by parents. They are looking for practical things
and use to dress casual.
They connect to the internet frequently, in particular to get informed or
to research for various projects. They are also engaged in the social side,
being frequent users of social networks and enjoy watching videos online. This
is the highest penetration of mobile phoning but they have the lowest rate of
smartphones use.
They connect success to both school and native qualities of every
individual and distinguish through a higher interest to a get job, wich they
would enjoy, as ingredient of a successful life.
They are ambitious ‘’self-confident and assertive.
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