miercuri, 27 februarie 2013

Forme ale violentei- Violence

Coordonator-Chiorean Miruna
Domestic violence

Domestic violence is a universal problem affecting all countries no matter on  their level of development, manifesting itself in all segments of society.
The phenomenon of domestic violence is  serious, it affects fundamental human rights to life, safety, freedom, dignity, physical and mental integrity.
In Romania, the extent of domestic violence is clear from statistics collected by the Agency since 2004, when the number of domestic violence cases was 8104, and 84 cases have resulted in death of the victim, in 2005, the number of reported cases increased to 9537 cases and 69 deaths, in 2006 there were 9372 cases and 151 deaths, and in 2007 there were 8787 and 136 deaths. In 2010, there were 11,232 cases of domestic violence, physical and emotional abuse being the most common.

Around 800 people have died from domestic violence in the past seven years, according to the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection. Specifically, ten people each month. Assassins are even loved ones: a husband, a wife, a mother, a father or a brother.
Every 30 seconds a woman is abused due to stress and degrading economic situation in our country.
The causes of domestic violence are given the following factors: low education, traumatic experience in childhood, alcohol, drugs, early age of mother at birth of first child, mental illness, imprisonment of a parent / member of family, disabilities or chronic illnesses perpetrator empathy towards instability family structure, number of children in the family, single parent, violence in families, isolation from family and friends, high levels of expression of anger and impulsivity, expectations Kid's unrealistic, aggressive reaction to stress, high frequency movements from one place to another, without civic models, poverty, unemployment.
The legislative framework for preventing and combating domestic violence in Romania, comprising:
1.      Constitution, Article 16, guarantees the equality of citizens before the law and public authorities without any privilege or discrimination, accurate and rights and freedoms of all persons. Article 23 states as inviolable liberty and security of person. Constitutionally enshrining these rights means respecting freedoms and rights of women, the elderly, persons with disabilities, family members with serious health problems and disadvantaged groups. It is prohibited to subject them to any act of violence or degrading treatment likely to alleviate the physical and psychological safety. This law also defines the form of child neglect that can occur when a child does not have adequate food, housing, clothing, medical care or supervision of voluntary failure of parents or persons who have been entrusted .
2.       Law no. 217/2003 on preventing and combating domestic violence, Article 2, defines domestic violence, any deliberate action or inaction except in self-defense or defense actions manifested physical or verbal, committed by a family member against another member of the same family, which causes or may cause injury or suffering physical, psychological, sexual, emotional or psychological, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty. Is also domestic violence to prevent women from exercising their rights and freedoms. '
3.       Law no. 272/2004 on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of the Child, Article 89, paragraph 1 defines violence against children as being any deliberate action of a person who is in a relationship of responsibility, trust or authority over the child, through which the life, physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social, physical integrity, physical or mental health of the child ˮ.
4.       Civil Code;
5.       Romanian Penal Code;
6.      Civil Procedure Code and Criminal Procedure;
7.       Family Code;
8.       Law no. 211/2004 regarding some measures to protect victims of crime;
9.      Government Decision no. 1624/2003 on the organization and functioning of the National Agency for Family Protection;
10.  Government Decision no. 686/2005 approving the National Strategy on the prevention and combating domestic violence.

Violence in school

Violence in schools is becoming more common in schools in Romania. Children are affected by verbal abuse every day, at school, on the street and even at home. Recent studies show that this form of specialists aggressive behavior tends to become the norm. Over 14,000 cases of verbal and physical violence were registered in schools in school year 2011-2012, according to data centralized by the Ministry of Education. Beating is a subject that is taught in schools at the request of students. They control this phenomenon and from year to year violence multiply: 80 hits, drunkenness or thieves take place every day in schools in Romania.
Causes of violence at juvenile level is the promotion of harmful patterns of behavior. Children from the earliest age, contact information, models and experiences that stimulate aggression, both physical and verbal. Often, children are unsupervised by parents, teachers or educators and therefore there is no one to explain why it is better to follow those patterns.
In 2012, more than 6,000 violent incidents aimed minor, but 143 were severe cases. In over 3,000 cases, students found themselves without certain items, and over 1,600 cases they have been victims of blackmail or threat. Most strokes occur between the eleventh graders.

Solutions to prevent violence in schools:
1.      For a number of violent mobilization in schools, the Romanian Police constant supervision in educational institutions in the country. This safeguard operates on the basis of Law no. 333/2003 regarding the protection of objects, goods, values ​​and personal protection.
2.      Another solution to reduce the number of school violence, made ​​by the Heads of Education, is to prohibit access of the foreigners in schools, including the parents. Thus, they will schedule visits.

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